• Duke Ahn, M.D.(Board Certified in Orthopaedic Surgery)

    • Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • (562) 583-2250

    Treatment Options

    Treatment Options

    Following the orthopaedic evaluation, the orthopaedic specialist will review and discuss the results with you. Based on his or her diagnosis, your treatment options may include:

    Non Surgical Options

    Diet & Exercise

    • Average American is 20–40 lbs. overweight.
    • Average person takes 5000–7000 steps/day.
    • Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints (extra pressure on some joints may aggravate your arthritis).
    • A balanced diet helps manage weight and stay healthy.

    ROM Exercises

    • Maintains normal joint movement.
    • Increases flexibility.
    • Relieves stiffness.

    Strengthening Exercises

    • Increasing muscle strength helps support and protect joints affected by arthritis.
    • Exercise is an important part of arthritis treatment that is most effective when done properly and routinely.

    Aerobic Exercise

    • Improve cardiovascular fitness.
    • Helps control weight.
    • May help reduce inflammation in joints.

    Rest & Joint Care

    • Short-term bed rest helps reduce both joint inflammation and pain, and is especially useful when multiple joints are affected and fatigue is a major problem.
    • Individual joint rest is most helpful when arthritis involves one or only a few joints.
    • Heat Therapy (increases blood flow, tolerance for pain, flexibility).
    • Cold Therapy — cold packs, ice massage, OTC sprays and ointments (reduces pain by numbing the nerves around the joint).
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